How does someone become a Bethlehem Democratic Committee Person?
Registered Democrats living in Albany County are eligible to serve on the Bethlehem Democratic Committee. If you are interested in serving, we would love to meet with you! We can help you to create a petition so you can gather the signatures of registered Democrats in your Election District. The number of required signatures varies based on the number of Democrats in your district.
Interested in joining the Committee? Please fill out our Member Interest Form.
- If no one gathers petitions in a particular district the Committee leaders appoint Committee members. If only one or two people submit valid petitions in an election district, they automatically become Committee persons.
- If more than two people qualify in a single election district, their names are placed on the September Democratic Primary ballot.
- The two candidates who receive the most votes will become Committee persons and serve a two-year term.
Interested in joining the Committee? Please fill out our Member Interest Form.
What are the responsibilities of a Democratic Committee Person?
Committee Persons serve as representatives of the Democratic Party within their election districts and also relay the concerns of their neighbors to the Democratic Party. In this capacity, Committee Persons are expected to:
- Stay in touch with their constituents, listen to their concerns, and bring them to the Town/County Committees;
- Participate in meetings of the Bethlehem Democratic Committee (2-3 a year), as well as some County Democratic Committee meetings;
- Assist in gathering voter signatures on nominating petitions;
- Assist in Get Out the Vote and campaign efforts for Democratic candidates (phone-banking, helping with lawn signs, etc.);
- Attend and promote Party fundraisers (usually 2-3 a year);
- May arrange for “house” parties or other events for voters to meet Democratic candidates.